2018.4—2021.3 日本东京大学,管理学博士
2016.4—2018.3 日本东京大学,经济学硕士
- 基本信息 :
职称 : 讲师、硕士生导师
联系邮箱 : nrenzhi@cueb.edu.cn
2021.9 -至今 首都经济贸易大学经济学院 讲师
[1]John Beirne; Nuobu Renzhi; Pradeep Panthi. Exchange Rate Pass-through in Emerging Asia and Exposure to External Shocks. Economic Analysis and Policy,2024, Vol.81, pp.1608-1624.
[2]Nuobu Renzhi; John Beirne. Corporate Market Power and Monetary Policy Transmission in Asia. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2023, Vol.82, 102132.
[3]Nuobu Renzhi. Household Net Saving Positions and Unconventional Monetary Policy Transmission: Evidence from Japan. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2023, Vol.79, 102032.
[4]John Beirne; Nuobu Renzhi; Ulrich Volz. Nonbank Finance and Monetary Policy Transmission in Asia. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2023, Vol.59, pp.1976-1991.
[5]John Beirne; Nuobu Renzhi; Ulrich Volz. When the United States and the People's Republic of China Sneeze: Monetary Policy Spillovers to Asian Economies. Open Economies Review, 2023, Vol.34, pp.519-540.
[6]Nuobu Renzhi. Do house prices play a role in unconventional monetary policy transmission in Japan?. Journal of Asian Economics, 2022, Vol.83, 101547.
[7]John Beirne; Nuobu Renzhi; Ulrich Volz. Local currency bond markets, foreign investor participation and capital flow volatility in emerging Asia. Singapore Economic Review, 2021.
[8]John Beirne; Nuobu Renzhi; Eric Sugandi; Ulrich Volz. COVID-19, Asset Markets and Capital Flows. Pacific Economic Review, 2021, Vol.26, pp.498-538.
[9]John Beirne; Nuobu Renzhi; Ulrich Volz. Feeling the Heat: Climate Risks and the Cost of Sovereign Borrowing. International Review of Economics and Finance, 2021, Vol.76, pp.920-936.
[10]John Beirne; Nuobu Renzhi; Ulrich Volz. Persistent Current Account Imbalances: Are they Good or Bad for Regional and Global Growth?. Journal of International Money and Finance, 2021, Vol.115, 102389.
[11]John Beirne; Nuobu Renzhi; Ulrich Volz. Bracing for the Typhoon: Climate Change and Sovereign Risk in Southeast Asia. Sustainable Development, 2021, Vol.29, pp.537-551.
[12]Nuobu Renzhi; Yong Jun Baek. Can Financial Inclusion Be an Effective Mitigation Measure? Evidence from Panel Data Analysis of the Environmental Kuznets Curve. Finance Research Letters, 2020, Vol.37, 101725
1.Nuobu Renzhi. How High-Speed Rail Affects Local Land Prices: Evidence from Taipei, China. In edited volume Handbook on High-Speed Rail and Quality of Life, Yoshitsugu Hayashi, KE Seetha Ram, and Shreyas Bharule (ed.), Asian Development Bank Institute, pp.74-95, 2020
2.David Robbins; KE Seetha Ram; Nuobu Renzhi. Quantifying the Economic Spillover Effect for Citywide Fecal Sludge Management Programs. In edited volume Water Insecurity and Sanitation in Asia, Naoyuki Yoshino, Eduardo Araral, and KE Seetha Ram (ed.), Asian Development Bank Institute, pp.47-67, 2019
Ulrich Volz; John Beirne; Natalie Ambrosio Preudhomme; Adrian Fenton; Emilie Mazzacurati; Nuobu Renzhi; Jeanne Stampe. Climate Change and Sovereign Risk. 2020. London, Tokyo, Singapore, Berkeley: SOAS University of London, Asian Development Bank Institute, World Wide Fund for Nature Singapore, Four Twenty Seven.
主持首都经济贸易大学新入职青年教师启动资金项目 “全球新形势背景下的货币政策传导机制研究”(XRZ2022043),2022-01至2023-12,已结项。