关于我校学生赴加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UCSD)寒假交流项目公告 |
我校拟选派优秀学生于2012年寒假赴美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UCSD)学习三门经济管理类的专业课程,我校将认可相应学分。 一、报名条件: 我校在读的本科生、研究生、专业硕士;英语良好,身体健康,品学兼优。 二、选拔方式: 学生报名后经统一面试和考核选拔,确定最终人选。 三、赴美期间: 2012年1月16日—2月4日(三周) 三周时间学习3门经济管理类的专业课程,学生在学习期间住在美方大学安排的Homestay家庭(供应早、晚餐),学费、住宿费、保险费等费用总计为22800元人民币。签证费、机票等其他个人费用由学生自理。 (三周学习结束后,学生可以有两周时间在美国自行安排学习及参观活动,最晚必须在2012年2月18日回国报到,自行安排期间的费用由学生自理。) 四、报名截止日期:2011年11月15日 五、面试时间:2011年11月18日14:00 地点待定 六、报名咨询: 83951802 七、课程简介: GLI 440: Product Marketing and Management Description: This course will teach student to define markets for products and services,segment these markets, and target critical customers within segments. Strategies to position products and services within segments. The critical role of pricing as well as market research, product management, promotion, selling, and customer support.
GLI 460: Organizational Leadership Description: This course will study alternative organizational structures, their stakeholders and cultures and use in meeting strategic enterprise priorities. Insights into motivational factors, communications networks, alternative leadership styles, and change management. Attention given to what the organization measures, controls, and rewards.
GLI 520: Global Business Strategy Description: This course will examine the advantages and complications of the multinational organization with emphasis on translating marketing, financing, and operating plans in light of geographical, cultural, and legal differences across the globe.It will also cover strategic considerations for transglobal management. |